I'm surprised that certain events, people and places have an aura of unquestionable dogma. What most strikes me is that anyone who raises a different view to what is politically correct or merely different to the interlocutor, it is quiet with anathemas, dogmas and disqualifications, obviating any argument with a rational basis and / or historical.
If you criticize the government of Allende are a façade, if you criticize Bachelet are a sexist and / or misogynist, if employers are critical to a resentful, if you criticize Obama you're a racist, if you criticize the idea of \u200b\u200bGod or religion are a blasphemer, if you criticize Israel are anti-Semitic, if you criticize Piñera're a communist, if you criticize charities are insensitive.
the end, only you can criticize pedophiles (not priests), thieves (who have not won enough to sue), the murderers (provided they are not in power).
Israel (the state, not the tv chanta)
Today you can not criticize the criminal policies of Israel without being branded anti-Semitic. I know the word Semitic includes several people, not just the Jews. But hey! ignorance of the masses always favors those in power.
is engrifarse rightly, when one minimizes the Holocaust, but leave the moral in the house when it comes to justifying genocide bombing.
By the way, who had so much crow by the Palestinian people, what have to say about the Mapuche? When the state or private take over Mapuche land is called expropriation, relocation, redestinación soil and other euphemisms. But when the Mapuche struggle for a historical claim, they are accused of terrorism, fanning themselves with the damn security law within the state (inheritance of the dictator). Openly critical of some Mapuche violent method, but that does not diminish one iota the legitimacy of their struggle. I have read on Gaza heated debate in Chile websites ... would like to see the lucid passion when talking about our Araucanía. Political
Barack Obama. Yeah, yeah, that hope, that change, than this, than the other. Mulatto is a leader, not a Taoist sage. Not because Oohhbama reach the White House will change to support genocidal policies (Israel), or the intervention in the internal politics of other countries. And those who believe this should read a history book.
Bachelet. He has gone from grave to grave, in a crucial ministry (Finance) chose a technocrat, unable to see beyond your PC with flat screen. He has so much fear of leaving evidence to Lagos, that puts even political loyalty over truth.
Allende. It causes me mixed feelings. On one hand I admire the result to death, but that does not mean you have made bad decisions as ruler.
Piñera. It is almost impossible criticize without being labeled a communist and / or resentful. But just read "The plunder of the Chilean state economic groups" (Maria Olivia Monckeberg, Ediciones B) to see how enriched overnight.
Frei = Piñera. José Antonio Gómez
A Roof for Chile, Hogar de Cristo and related institutions.
Rather than criticize or organizations who participate in them, criticize the ideology behind it. If Chile is more taxes on those earning more, if employers do not evade taxes by declaring the child as jeep outside the company, if hubiera una mejor distribución de la riqueza, etc. En suma, si Chile fuera un país con mayor justicia social, no necesitaríamos tener Teletón, ni Hogar de Cristo, ni un techo para Chile.
Estas organizaciones, por muy loables que sean sus intenciones, lo único que hacen es perpetuar la caridad. Si los políticos (del color que sean) realmente se preocuparan del beneficio de todos (y no sólo de sus obesos ombligos), la función de dichas organizaciones tendría mucha menos gravitancia que la que tienen ahora.
Mientras las empresas hacen el lavado de imagen siendo caritativos, siguen siendo injustos a la hora de pagar sueldos. Soy un hereje, orgulloso de serlo, pero admiro al Padre Hurtado, particularmente por su frase: "La caridad empieza donde termina la justicia". Lamentable que en pleno siglo XXI, su reclamo aún siga vigente.
If you criticize the government of Allende are a façade, if you criticize Bachelet are a sexist and / or misogynist, if employers are critical to a resentful, if you criticize Obama you're a racist, if you criticize the idea of \u200b\u200bGod or religion are a blasphemer, if you criticize Israel are anti-Semitic, if you criticize Piñera're a communist, if you criticize charities are insensitive.
the end, only you can criticize pedophiles (not priests), thieves (who have not won enough to sue), the murderers (provided they are not in power).
Israel (the state, not the tv chanta)
Today you can not criticize the criminal policies of Israel without being branded anti-Semitic. I know the word Semitic includes several people, not just the Jews. But hey! ignorance of the masses always favors those in power.
is engrifarse rightly, when one minimizes the Holocaust, but leave the moral in the house when it comes to justifying genocide bombing.
By the way, who had so much crow by the Palestinian people, what have to say about the Mapuche? When the state or private take over Mapuche land is called expropriation, relocation, redestinación soil and other euphemisms. But when the Mapuche struggle for a historical claim, they are accused of terrorism, fanning themselves with the damn security law within the state (inheritance of the dictator). Openly critical of some Mapuche violent method, but that does not diminish one iota the legitimacy of their struggle. I have read on Gaza heated debate in Chile websites ... would like to see the lucid passion when talking about our Araucanía. Political
Barack Obama. Yeah, yeah, that hope, that change, than this, than the other. Mulatto is a leader, not a Taoist sage. Not because Oohhbama reach the White House will change to support genocidal policies (Israel), or the intervention in the internal politics of other countries. And those who believe this should read a history book.
Bachelet. He has gone from grave to grave, in a crucial ministry (Finance) chose a technocrat, unable to see beyond your PC with flat screen. He has so much fear of leaving evidence to Lagos, that puts even political loyalty over truth.
Allende. It causes me mixed feelings. On one hand I admire the result to death, but that does not mean you have made bad decisions as ruler.
Piñera. It is almost impossible criticize without being labeled a communist and / or resentful. But just read "The plunder of the Chilean state economic groups" (Maria Olivia Monckeberg, Ediciones B) to see how enriched overnight.
Frei = Piñera. José Antonio Gómez
A Roof for Chile, Hogar de Cristo and related institutions.
Rather than criticize or organizations who participate in them, criticize the ideology behind it. If Chile is more taxes on those earning more, if employers do not evade taxes by declaring the child as jeep outside the company, if hubiera una mejor distribución de la riqueza, etc. En suma, si Chile fuera un país con mayor justicia social, no necesitaríamos tener Teletón, ni Hogar de Cristo, ni un techo para Chile.
Estas organizaciones, por muy loables que sean sus intenciones, lo único que hacen es perpetuar la caridad. Si los políticos (del color que sean) realmente se preocuparan del beneficio de todos (y no sólo de sus obesos ombligos), la función de dichas organizaciones tendría mucha menos gravitancia que la que tienen ahora.
Mientras las empresas hacen el lavado de imagen siendo caritativos, siguen siendo injustos a la hora de pagar sueldos. Soy un hereje, orgulloso de serlo, pero admiro al Padre Hurtado, particularmente por su frase: "La caridad empieza donde termina la justicia". Lamentable que en pleno siglo XXI, su reclamo aún siga vigente.
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