Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jaskinia Platona A świat Współczesny


This LH - the fourth for me, was different from the others: during the week I had a craving for everything (like the ostrich).
During the days of expulsion had great difficulty taking only water and felt an urge to eat everything. It benefited me in making oil and grapefruit juice because my stomach was so empty that immediately engulfed the potion and no reflux. Neither nausea.

The cravings I experienced this time - along with other obsessions-motivated me to review the emotions associated with each of the LH I've done and I publish below.
After the first expulsion since I felt the vitality, good humor and joy that accompanies the end of each LH.

Here is the picture of my fourth cleaning.


Throughout my life I have invested time and effort on personal knowledge and I am happy to say that, but never finished-I know and understand well, so I find it amazing how the time and reappear in each LH physical symptoms and may be crisis healing, also the case with the feelings, memories, frustrations and tantrums housed in the liver.

Before each one of ups and downs in every cleaning, I decided to react as calmly as possible to myself and to understand So love a friend. Sometimes I laugh at myself, as negative feelings, memories of trauma or blocks that no longer remembered, are present "Alive and well. "And I thought that everything was exceeded!


My status in the first LH pesonal composited disbelief, distrust and also a genuine desire to be free of something heavy could not clearly defined in a conscious, but was related to my past.
During the night before the expulsion, the prevailing sentiment was strong and diffuse fear that accompanied me all night. The next day, a great relief more vital energy and mental clarity.


the excitement surrounding the entire week of the second cleaning was frustration and resentment. Past memories surfaced very vivid scenes. I also was surprised by the spontaneous internal dialogue with the same intensity as experienced in the past.
After the expulsion, I felt surges of vitality that propelled me to go running, jumping, like I could not contain so much energy. THIRD CLEANING

The predominant emotion during the third cleanup was a lot of bad blood and anger that appeared in all circumstances, any incident helped me to make the volcano erupt. I hated everyone and sometimes they appeared last scenes, against which I lit with rage. As previous times, chose to let out what it was and the best, laugh a little.
the fourth day my abdomen swelled so unusual and well kept even after the expulsion. Deflated when I first came to me and curiously rule, nails weaken me again. FOURTH CLEANING

The predominant emotion was obsessed (almost to the point of addiction) and craving. I reviewed each and every one of the anxieties of my life. At times almost uncontrollable impulses arose ejemlpo-by eating a certain thing. I laughed a lot, but what surprised me was appearing.
In some point I started to clean the house with a vengeance. Adjust your clothes, throw things. This is something which is also repeated cleanings.
On Sunday, joy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Personal Wedding Card Messages


Some medicinal traditions such as Chinese and Indian medicine, the concept of health is a bit more comprehensive than we know in the West. Here in the West are just beginning to think about it, especially in regard to the influence of "stress." In those cultures, however, long ago it is natural to conceive of emotions as a fundamental part in the origin and cure of diseases.

Perhaps most striking of these conceptions comprehensive health is that the patient, contrary to Western-style take an active role in the process of healing. Not limited to let the doctor may prescribe medications or organize the diet, but making decisions and, more importantly, become aware of what the disease represents for him at that point in their lives.

disease, "says" something to the patient himself and in the process of deciphering the message, the patient heals.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, dating back five thousand years observed, each basic emotion is attached to a body.

- the anger to the liver and gallbladder

- joy al corazón e intestino delgado

- la reflexión al estómago y bazo-páncreas

- la tristeza al pulmón e intestino grueso

- el miedo al riñón y vejiga

Para la medicina china entre los órganos existen autopistas o carreteras por las que circula la energía. Cuando nos estancamos en una o varias emociones, se produce el atasco de la energía, que con el paso del tiempo puede dar lugar a la enfermedad dentro de ese órgano.
No es que las emociones en sí sean negativas, lo que sí lo es, es el quedarse anclado en esa emoción durante mucho tiempo. Por ejemplo el miedo a quedarse sin trabajo, a no tener casa, a quedarse sin couples, is damaging our kidneys and ultimately can lead to kidney infections or stones or lumbago, etc.

The Canon of Medicine-that is, the more wise counsel or Nei Jing-advised, summing up the experiences of centenarians in ancient times: "Do not feel overwhelmed and confused thoughts, strive to be calm and optimistic, stay satisfied with yourself (calm in situations that cause anger), keep a healthy body and mind. In this way, one can live to be 100 years "


Through rebuilt and macrobiotic food purify our blood returning health to the body. When we improve the quality of our blood, our health, immunity and well-being are strengthened. Thus the "foundations or pillars" of our health are solid, strong.

The goal of macrobiotics is not obsessed with food and health. Merely seeks to understand how food acts in our bodies and achieve optimal health to worry more about diseases and constant energy for solving health problems, pain, depression, aches in general. Thus, if the physical and mental health are in order, we can focus our energies toward our endeavors, projects, family, relationships, etc.

emotions and attitudes can be studied as complementary opposites, as classified in the macrobiotic meals.
Negative emotions are related to an imbalance in the functioning of any organ in our body.

* Anger, irritability, emotional violence are connected with the condition of the liver - which balances the opposite emotion is forgiveness, forbearance.
* The concern and sadness are related to the stomach, spleen and pancreas.
* Excessive fear is connected with the kidneys and bladder.
* Anxiety and nervousness are related to the heart,
* the lack of reaction or overreaction is associated with the lungs

From the point of view of the positive (when the organs are in balance) is related to liver benevolence and kindness, the heart with communication and relationships, stomach / pancreas / spleen is related to the awareness of our potential and creativity, concentration lungs, kidneys and bladder with the courage, the desire , inner strength.
In this way, we can say that emotions are symptoms of our physical health and may be modified analyzing the condition of specific organ to which they relate.


Ayurveda is a science or passive practice, here each individual must take responsibility for their health and to take small steps every day that will be prevention and treatment simultaneously. According to Ayurveda, the great purpose of life of every human being is to know and understand "The Creator" (Cosmic Consciousness) and to understand our relationship with what we call God, for it must begin to balance the four fundamental aspects life:

1. Dharma: Duty or right action.
2. Artha: Material or physical wealth success.
3. Kama: Desire positive.
4. Moksha: Liberation spiritual. Perfect harmony of body, mind and conscience or soul.

According to Ayurvedic theory, the reasonable nature as we do. That is the key. If nature thinks everything the same way, then it has provided all remedies. Everything is ordered because everything is intelligence. Food and plants are intelligence. What we take to nourish ourselves, we make it our own intelligence. When we know how to bring order back to the intelligence, you do not know anything else. The disease is interrupted intelligence, but we can do that again al orden.

El primer paso para que se produzca la curación cuántica es darle al organismo las técnicas para que encuentre la salud por sí mismo, ayudándose de esta inteligencia de la naturaleza. Las hierbas, minerales y metales que usa el médico ayurvédico "piensan" como nosotros. Para cada parte del cuerpo, la naturaleza proporciona una sustancia que la complementa.

La medicina consiste, pues, en permitir que lo similar hable a lo similar y el remedio íntegro, tal como lo aporta la naturaleza, podrá restaurar la salud gracias a su similitud con nosotros mismos El Ayurveda funciona porque corrige una distorsión en la conciencia; un movimiento erróneo return to order and the individual finds the path that leads to the level of consciousness where the real healing.

REFLEXOLOGY Reflexology is based on widely proven theory that micro-connections are obviously nervous and lymphatic many specific points of the body together. In those areas where reflex points are located each side of the body, they are known by the name "Microreflejas Zones."

Feet are for men and the roots for a tree. As
find these, so find
the rest of the person. The

Holistic Reflexology is a technique designed to balance the energies of the body by massaging the feet, these being the place where the reflexes that correspond to each area of \u200b\u200bour physical body. .......

On our feet we can see:

* On energy

* State * Area and organs emotional imbalance

* State
massage provides deep relaxation and physical and mental relief, restoring the normal flow of energy. Therefore, it is so important reflexology, and along with other methods such as massage, is done to restore the balance of body functions through the cleaning and opening of the Intracoastal Waterway.


In the case of my own liver cleansing process, I noticed that in each of the 3 that made so far, there have been emotional phenomena eject expel offending while the stones in each case.
write about this particular issue in my next cleaning, the fourth-scheduled for this weekend.

Anyway, I leave a link truly comprehensive on the subject and I recommend that you read carefully. The article is
Bela Gogo MacQuillan BIBLIOGRAPHY Health / ayurveda.htm

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Casting On Macbeth By Mark Brozel

I'm surprised that certain events, people and places have an aura of unquestionable dogma. What most strikes me is that anyone who raises a different view to what is politically correct or merely different to the interlocutor, it is quiet with anathemas, dogmas and disqualifications, obviating any argument with a rational basis and / or historical.

If you criticize the government of Allende are a façade, if you criticize Bachelet are a sexist and / or misogynist, if employers are critical to a resentful, if you criticize Obama you're a racist, if you criticize the idea of \u200b\u200bGod or religion are a blasphemer, if you criticize Israel are anti-Semitic, if you criticize Piñera're a communist, if you criticize charities are insensitive.
the end, only you can criticize pedophiles (not priests), thieves (who have not won enough to sue), the murderers (provided they are not in power).

Israel (the state, not the tv chanta)

Today you can not criticize the criminal policies of Israel without being branded anti-Semitic. I know the word Semitic includes several people, not just the Jews. But hey! ignorance of the masses always favors those in power.
is engrifarse rightly, when one minimizes the Holocaust, but leave the moral in the house when it comes to justifying genocide bombing.

By the way, who had so much crow by the Palestinian people, what have to say about the Mapuche? When the state or private take over Mapuche land is called expropriation, relocation, redestinación soil and other euphemisms. But when the Mapuche struggle for a historical claim, they are accused of terrorism, fanning themselves with the damn security law within the state (inheritance of the dictator). Openly critical of some Mapuche violent method, but that does not diminish one iota the legitimacy of their struggle. I have read on Gaza heated debate in Chile websites ... would like to see the lucid passion when talking about our Araucanía. Political

Barack Obama. Yeah, yeah, that hope, that change, than this, than the other. Mulatto is a leader, not a Taoist sage. Not because Oohhbama reach the White House will change to support genocidal policies (Israel), or the intervention in the internal politics of other countries. And those who believe this should read a history book.

Bachelet. He has gone from grave to grave, in a crucial ministry (Finance) chose a technocrat, unable to see beyond your PC with flat screen. He has so much fear of leaving evidence to Lagos, that puts even political loyalty over truth.

Allende. It causes me mixed feelings. On one hand I admire the result to death, but that does not mean you have made bad decisions as ruler.

Piñera. It is almost impossible criticize without being labeled a communist and / or resentful. But just read "The plunder of the Chilean state economic groups" (Maria Olivia Monckeberg, Ediciones B) to see how enriched overnight.

Frei = Piñera. José Antonio Gómez


A Roof for Chile, Hogar de Cristo and related institutions.

Rather than criticize or organizations who participate in them, criticize the ideology behind it. If Chile is more taxes on those earning more, if employers do not evade taxes by declaring the child as jeep outside the company, if hubiera una mejor distribución de la riqueza, etc. En suma, si Chile fuera un país con mayor justicia social, no necesitaríamos tener Teletón, ni Hogar de Cristo, ni un techo para Chile.

Estas organizaciones, por muy loables que sean sus intenciones, lo único que hacen es perpetuar la caridad. Si los políticos (del color que sean) realmente se preocuparan del beneficio de todos (y no sólo de sus obesos ombligos), la función de dichas organizaciones tendría mucha menos gravitancia que la que tienen ahora.
Mientras las empresas hacen el lavado de imagen siendo caritativos, siguen siendo injustos a la hora de pagar sueldos. Soy un hereje, orgulloso de serlo, pero admiro al Padre Hurtado, particularmente por su frase: "La caridad empieza donde termina la justicia". Lamentable que en pleno siglo XXI, su reclamo aún siga vigente.